Wednesday, February 1, 2012

5B #2 lesson 5

science - why does hair turn gray

We are studying genetics in Science and I thought I would look up some sites in reference to that but the only site I could find was this one about hair turning gray.  As of now, I do not think this is a part of the curriculum but it did have an interesting part to it where kids can take time lapse photos of them - one a day for a year and it will automatically replay it - very cool

Thing 5B - 2/1/12

Mystery Cube

Ok, this is a cool project.  the kids read a mystery book, or any genre - and they go to this site and fill in all the questions.  The setting, the characters, problem, solution... and then print and it comes up as a cube that you (they) can cut out and make into a foldable box, which my kids love to do.